fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: I'm Not MacGuyver

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I'm Not MacGuyver

Remember the brakes last weekend? Well when it came time to bleed them we had a little issue. The bleeder screw broke. Now I guess I could have spent some money and got a new caliper, but being cheap bastards thrifty, inventive people we made do with what we had and bled the brakes.

Tuesday morning I noticed my brake lights were on. Which freaked me the fuck out. I knew I wasn't in the car and nobody else was either. So I had Asshat #1 make sure my purse was still in the trunk and went about my business.

Thursday night, the brake lights were back on. I went out and lifted the brake pedal. I swear it did not even move, but the lights went off. For about a half hour. Then they were back on. Fine. There must still be a bit of air in the brake line. I'll prop the brake pedal up with an empty pop can for now. So I jammed a can under there. It worked for about 15 minutes.

It's not as if it's the headlights right? How much can those little brake lights use anyhow?

Friday morning when I went to unlock my car, I discovered that those little effers use enough to drain the battery.

Had I been MacGuyver, I probably could have used that BBQ igniter to start my car. But I'm not. MacGuyver that is.

And since all of my neighbors either work for a living or sleep all damn day I had to have my Dad drive over and give me a boost. As a public service - boost is the proper term to use. Asking strange men if they can give you a jump isn't quite the thing. Who knew?

I also discovered that the reason why propping the pop can under the pedal wouldn't keep the brake lights off was because I jammed it under the clutch pedal. Which has nothing at all to do with the brake lights.

I'm using a water bottle under the pedal for now. It works when you jam it under the right one.

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  1. I love it... It's always Dad to the rescue, isn't it?!
    Here's to a better week with cars for the both of us... We still have one in the shop. It's been there all week. :(

    1. Sadly, I think this one is ready to call it a day and begging for car heaven. It will have to hang in there a bit longer though.

      I think in the meantime I'm going to get one of those things you just plug in and can use to boost your car. It's a lot easier than wandering the neighborhood.

  2. That's why I drive an automatic...that one extra pedal confused the hell out of me

    Last week the locks on my car all froze shut and I couldn't get my car door open at all. The next day I had cleverly left the car unlocked so I could get in, but the latch was frozen so when I went to close the car door it would not stay closed...drove to work with one hand on the wheel and the other hand holding the door shut. I'm sort of thinking that's vaguely dangerous and somewhat illegal, but thankfully no cops were around and I didn't fall out anytime I turned a corner

    1. I know better, yet somehow when I was wedging that pop can in there it looked right. Duh. I blame it on menopausal hot flashes cooking my brain.

      You see now why everybody needs a box of twine? You could have tied your door shut!

  3. I wouldn't feel too bad. You're better at it than MacGyver:

    1. I guess so! But Damn, did he have to lose his skills and looks?

  4. BWAHAHAHA... LMAO...This is something I totally could have done.

    1. ... On an the other hand, as I was choking on my corn on the cob from reading this post and subsequently squirted cornjuice everywhere (ikr) Mechanic-Husband says to me, "well just reply to her that her brake switch needs to be adjusted"... Idk. but hes usually right, and he used hand signals and head movements and everything to give me this message, so it must be important.

    2. I think that's what the boyfriend is assuming too - he's going to look at it sometime this morning.

      Corn on the cob in January? Where are you from?

    3. South Carolina... but don't worry it was the hard not sweet budget frozen garbage. And yes it was also 11:30pm... ;)

    4. I don't judge - I've been known to cook a butternut squash for a snack before bed.
