fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: I'm Just No Good At Being A Dominatrix

Thursday, January 31, 2013

I'm Just No Good At Being A Dominatrix

So I am into day 1.5 of supervising on my own. So far, knock on wood, things are going okay.

I haven't had to crawl into a machine yet.

Everything that was supposed to be packed today was packed.

There were no cat fights today.

I haven't pissed The Swinger off.

I may make the entire two weeks without the first 3 happening. Pissing The Swinger off is inevitable. It seems there is a huge difference between being a bitch and dominating, and I'm just no good at dominating a submissive.

Do you suppose there's a course you can take for that?

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  1. Oh, I wish you luck! After hearing of the catfights, they would be what I feared the most! I have all my crossables crossed that it all continues on without incident (even with The Swinger!) :)

  2. I don't know if there's a course for being a dominatrix but have you read the 50 Shades series. It gives some good!

    1. Ah hah! There's the problem - I haven't read the 50 shades series.

  3. A whip and some leg shackles would probably work wonders on the Swinger lol

    1. As long as I don't have to do tight leather pants. I can't do tight pants - they make me gassy.

  4. Work on your combination of glare/soft voice. It's a great intimidating tool, and as my old boss used to say, 'keeps the bitches in check...'

    1. I'm thinking my glare isn't fierce enough - it never worked on the Asshats either.

  5. Good luck! Maybe the swinger will get mono and miss work for a month.

    1. He was late this morning. It made for a peaceful day - first he wasn't there and then when he was he was too busy catching up to be much of a pain.
