fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Captcha and 1013 Tit Uses

Friday, January 11, 2013

Captcha and 1013 Tit Uses

So remember yesterday when I said Captcha was run by some little tit dweeb IT guy? Well I'm not sure if the little tit dweeb has a sense of humor and is striking back, or if life is just one big irony.

Look at this Captcha!

I know it's blurry but for real it says 1013 ntituses. I know that n is just a clever ploy to keep us from seeing the real message - 1013 tit uses.

I'm betting it was the little tit IT dweeb, because only a dweeb would think it was clever to come up with 1013 tit uses.

I can only come up with 13

  1. As toys
  2. To nourish babies (what happens when you spend too much time playing with your toys)
  3. To prevent unwanted spills from hitting your lap
  4. As toys
  5. To provide a handy valley for sweat to run down. 
  6. To keep the front of your clothes from sagging
  7. As toys
  8. To draw attention away from your gut that's nice and fluffy because somebody played with the toys too much. 
  9. To counterbalance your ass
  10. A place for a child to snuggle
  11. A place for a partner to snuggle
  12. As a ledge for late night snacks in bed.
  13. As toys
I wonder what the other 1,000 are.

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  1. Let's see...

    - They can serve as a welcome distraction when maintaining eye-contact becomes awkward.

    - Various companies use them for advertising space with the help of printed t-shirts.

    - As toys

    - As a diversionary tactic so men won't notice what you (or your accomplice) might really be up to.

    - To appeal to the male demographic for basically EVERYTHING.

    - As toys.

    I could do this all day, really. It's a topic that's near & dear to me.

    1. Really? I never would have guessed!

      I confess it's a bit near and dear to me too. Or they are.

  2. - Bongo drums
    - Motor Boat noises
    - Hide-a-key
    - And excuse to not take up jogging...

    1. I use the excuse of having had children to avoid jogging - I'm sure the Depends would mess with my stride.

  3. Go on Twitter RIGHT NOW and ask @mothakim to show you her CAPTCHA pic. You won't regret it.

  4. Hilarious! I hate captcha so much. More than half the time it takes me 3-4 tries since I can't read the damn things!

    1. Like I said - when I'm ruler of the world you will only have to type I'm drunk.

  5. Hilarious. I used mine to

    - Keep my daughter quiet while on conference calls (when she was a baby)

    - Balance things when I have too much on my hands. :)

    - Catch things that drop from my mouth (I know, disgusting)

    - Keep attention away from the love handles

    - Fill out my neckline and take attention away from the fact I don't wear make-up and spent two minutes on my hair.

    - Dance Props (they look pretty when they jiggle)

    1. They look pretty when they jiggle - bah ha ha, excellent point!

  6. I used mine to catch my straightening iron recently; however, I don't recommend that.

    1. That is definitely not the best or kindest use of your assets.

  7. Replies
    1. The irony of getting a captcha like that. But then I've seen at least one that is hilarious.

  8. You don't have to limit the nourishment to babies. There's an ice-cream on sale in England made from milk extracted from human titties. I haven't tasted it, so I can't tell you whether it's better than the cow product.
