fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: On A Tropical Getaway

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

On A Tropical Getaway

I went on a tropical getaway today. No for real. The air was soft and warm. The sky was sunny and blue. I was surrounded by greenery.

Okay, I lied. It felt kind of like a tropical getaway. I was actually out in the greenhouse last week.

I reached my maximum tolerance for dirty hands about 1/2 hour in. Tomato juice stains by the way. I have the greenish brown shit on my shirt to prove it. It also stings. You learn to not rub your eyes. Or your nose.

Some people wear gloves. I say fuck you to the gloves. No matter how much my rational brain says glove, the part of my brain that controls the gag reflex says used condom. They also make your hands stink.

On the topic of stink. Those feet are mine. The pipes on either side are part of the heating system. The shoes are toxic.

This week I haven't been as lucky. It's way cold outside, -13 in Celsius, 9 in Fahrenheit. Inside wasn't much better.

Also, some poor tomato suffered an amputation today.

And I could really use some lotion.


  1. Ha! I thought that was a condom! 9 degrees! Holy hell that's cold!

    1. Used rubber gloves really make me gag - for that reason.

      9 degrees is super cold. I'm still freezing!

  2. You helped me forget for a moment that it's 8 degrees here... And "feels like -7."

    1. I'm freezing today. Can't wait for it to be over so I can huddle in my pajamas.
