fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Erotic Veggies, Captcha, And Why I Am Socially Inept

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Erotic Veggies, Captcha, And Why I Am Socially Inept

Remember how I said the ladies at work were gifting me with any erotic veggies they came across? Well they're still at it.

 I mean look at this lovely trio of peckerheads they gifted me with today. 

I've learned a couple of things this week. How to make a badge was probably the hardest. You can find all kinds of places with pretty good instructions - the hard part was getting the picture to the right size. Go on, grab my ass if you like.

Being a multi-tasker, I also learned how to add text to my photos.

I have decided that captcha is my mortal enemy. Captcha I effing hatechya.

There has to be some little tit dweeb IT guy out there laughing his ass off when we get the motherfuckers wrong. Almost words, gobbledygook and blurry numbers. If I forget my glasses at work I'm toast.

When I get voted ruler of the world every single captcha ever will be instantly solvable by typing I'm drunk. Obviously if you're drunk you can't be a robot.

And I've figured out why I am socially inept. It's because I think in a foreign language. That's right - I think in Bitch.

It all makes sense now. I'm out in public trying to have a real life convo, and it's awkward as hell. Always. But like any person who thinks in a foreign language, I've got to translate my thoughts into your language before I can say them out loud.

It's tough, and not every thing I think has a translation. Sometimes a lot gets lost in the translation like every shred of personality I have. Sometimes I wish more got lost in the translation - it would save me some of those more shameful incidents.

I leave you with this.


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  1. Replies
    1. I think so too. I hate captcha and won't have it - I want comments.

  2. I like the "I'm drunk" idea to solve, captchas, but I'm not so sure that robots won't start drinking. Who are we to say what path robot evolution will take?

    Now, I'm perfectly okay with drunk robots entering captchas, but there is an element of risk.

    1. If the robots ever take up drinking they'll wind up hating captcha too. Then we'll have robot wars between the robot spammers and the robots who hate captcha.

  3. "Go on, grab my ass if you like." Hee! Oh man, this whole post makes me happy. I'll be tweeting it shortly (no other way to do it since I'm vertically challenged).

    I once found a naughty eggplant that I gifted to a friend. I love that people are specifically looking for them to give to you. That's awesome.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it - I really try to find humor or at least a little bit every day.

  4. War on the captchas! I could think of a few other phrases to solve captcas but...oh, never mind.

    1. Yes, when I'm ruler of the world eff you will work as well.
