fR3jclIIszb96iOdpqMK80eDe-U My Half Assed Life: Thank you's, Sneezing Fits and Trying to Explain Blogging to Non Bloggers.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thank you's, Sneezing Fits and Trying to Explain Blogging to Non Bloggers.

Today at work I had a sneezing fit. One of the Jamaican ladies told me that in her country, they say if a woman sneezes like that, then some other woman is doing her man. All I could think was Well I hope she can sneeze without crossing her legs, and I told the lady that for as much as I sneezed my man should be walking bow-legged.

That paragraph there, is part of the reason I blog. If you read that you may have chuckled or you may have only smiled, but somehow you reacted. Who knows, maybe you were just disgusted and you'll never read my blog again. In which case it's good we got that out of the way, because there's more where that came from.

Trying to explain blogging to somebody who doesn't blog is kind of impossible.

Non Blogger: Why is your house always such a mess.

Me: Because I work full time and then I blog full time.

My Brain: and because most of the time I really don't give a flying fuck if my house is clean.

Non Blogger: You have a blog? What's your blog about?

Me: Well you know, just the stupid crap that happens during the day and some of the shit my kids do.

Non Blogger: Why would anyone want to read about that.

My Brain: Well obviously you haven't met my kids if you think they can't be entertaining. 

And this is where if you are really lucky and you're writing posts that entertain, your blogging friends will step up and give you a pat on the back and tell you job well done.

Over the past couple of weeks, my blogging friends have done just that and bestowed 4 bloggy awards upon me.

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First was Marissa Peterson over at Confessions Of A Failing Domestic Goddess with a Liebster Award. Marissa blogs about life with her 3 kids and 5 dogs and all of her proud and not so proud moments with everything in between.

Next was Jenn from Something Clever 2.0 with another Liebster Award. Jenn describes her blog as partly a mommy blog, but not exclusively. She also likes to complain. Which I do too so can you say serendipity? Jenn is also the hostess with the mostest who provides a Theme Thursday Link Up. It's pretty awesome and you should check it out.

For the Liebster Award I'm supposed to follow some rules.

I'm supposed to tell you 11 random facts about myself.
I'm supposed to answer 11 questions posted by the blogger who gifted me with the award, and create 11 new questions.
I'm supposed to select 11 new bloggers with fewer than 200 followers.

Since the Liebster has been circulating heavily the past couple of weeks I'm going to skip the passing it along part. If you want some great blogs to read, please - check out My Blog Crushes. I only have the 10 who most recently posted showing, but there's more there and there's something for everybody because I'm pretty eclectic in my reading.

Next up was the most intriguing of the awards. It came from Vinny of As Vinny C's It. Vinny has this crisp writing style that always entertains me, whether he's talking about renting ninja's or strange inventions to come out of Japan. If you head over and check it out, you'll see that the appearance of Vinny's blog perfectly matches his writing style - crisp and clean. I've been reading and enjoying Vinny's blog for a while now and it's always a treat for a new post to show up in my reader.

Vinny created a brand new blog award - one with a lot less rules. It's called the Tanned Hide award.

Pretty much, Vinny gave me permission to dole out a spanking to some worthy recipient. Of course the first one to come to mind is Swinger Dude, but I'm afraid he'll enjoy it too much. Once I've administered my spanking, I get to pick up to 3 other bloggers to dole out their own spankings. This one will be in a post soon - I just have to narrow down all the possibilities. Gleefully rubs hands together.

Then today? Another award from Synnøve @ Don't Chew On The Dinner Table. Synnøve gifted me with this award.

It is worth noting that Synnøve claims to love my kids. Which means I'm naming her their guardian should something happen to me. Don't worry Synnøve, I'm sure they'll only be home with me for another decade or so....

This award also comes with some rules but please go check it out for yourself, while you're there check out some of the bloggers she lists. I know I will be.

Thank you! You guys are all great. 


  1. I LOVE that explaining blogging conversation. My house is always messier than I'd like too - and even still I'm WAY behind on reading blogs this week!

    1. I'm way behind too, I was thinking today that instead of sick days I need catch up on blogging days.

  2. Congrats on your awards! I'm fairly new to your blog, but I'm already addicted...partly because I like your blog-style and partly because I have my own Asshat In The Making (he's 13 and not fully qualified yet. But soon)and can relate to a lot of what you post about.

    Now I'm off to check out the other blogs you mentioned

    1. Thank you for the congrats and the compliments.

      Sorry on the Asshat in the making.

      Please - do go check them out!

  3. It is so impossible to explain blogging to non-bloggers! I have one non-blogging friend that consistently reads my blog, and that's it. Everyone else looks at me like an alien when I talk about it. And they can't fathom how much time I spend blogging. If only they knew... :)

    1. It's not just writing a post and hitting publish is it? Don't even bother trying to explain Social Media and how you can be on Facebook all the time but they never see you on there. Or how much time goes into reading other people's blogs!

      On the up side after raising kids to the young adult stage - what a refreshing change to have people actually listen! Okay read - whatever.

  4. My house was messy before I started blogging. Since then? It's kind of stayed it's course, never too messy, never quite clean. I can deal with that. It's when I step in mustard at 5 freakin' a.m that I get cranky. Congrats on all the nifty awards!

    1. Stepping in mustard is actually a new one to me! I won't mention anything that I have stepped in.

      Thank you for the congrats - I do hope you hop on over and visit any that are new to you.

  5. Replies
    1. Do you really want them to? These are the boys who think a barbecue igniter is a cool thing to mess around with.

  6. (1) Congrats on the bloggy awards! Awwwwwesome! (2) It's even HARDER to explain your blog to a non-blogger when the non-blogger first says, "What's a blog?" (3) I am, at best, a casual housekeeper. That's the nice way of saying I can find a million other things to do than clean the house, like catch up on reading blogs. Even when I get the urge to clean it, I get distracted by shiny things and the laptop sitting there and....

    1. Thanks - all of them came from some great bloggers.

      It's so easy to get distracted from house work, since just about everything is more interesting.

  7. Congrats on the awards! Cleaning has never been high on my priority list, and blogging has just pushed it down further.

    I'm always behind on my blog reading. There are so many great blogs out there that I have a long reading list though. Plus every time I get on top of it, I join a writing challenge or new linky and get behind again.

    1. I get the long reading list. And the linky's making it harder to keep up.

  8. When I first started I wanted to tell everyone I knew & met about my blog (despite the fact that I wanted to blog without using my real identity in case I pissed someone I knew off). Eventually, I got tired of trying to explain the whole concept of blogging to people. You were one of the first people I thought of when I decided to give this award out (and that's not because of all the nice things you say about my writing).

    1. Non bloggers just don't get bloggers. Or why we do it.

      I've decided it's better just to say nothing and that way nobody has to know that their next conversation or interaction with me just might wind up here.

  9. Congratulations on the awards!!!

    1. Thank you. They came from some pretty neat bloggers.

  10. Hey girl! look at you go! And the whole non blogger thing? Ugh... they truly just don't get it. When I worked in a place with actual other people (as opposed to the freelance work I do now) and I had to share an office, I was constantly made fun of about blogging. What they didn't know was that I was constantly making fun of THEM to THOUSANDS! :D That's kind of a nice feeling....just sayin

    1. I don't even bother trying to explain blogging to my co-workers. I do sometimes blog about them though.

  11. Explaining blogging?! Love that. Especially because that same conversation goes on in my own head every day.

    1. Unless you're in it or being a supportive family member of someone who is, there's just no way to understand it I guess.

  12. How about another award?
    I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! To accept it, please go to:
